Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's Ok To Be Weak

This past week has been another good one! We just got finished with our two lectures on 2nd Corinthians and they were awesome. Last year, when I was a student, 2nd Corinthians was the book that really changed the way that I view my relationship with God. Throughout the letter, Paul is showing that we all have weaknesses in our lives and within our ability to minister and love one another, but with those weaknesses we have an opportunity to invite God in and let Him do his thing and show off his power in our lives. In 2nd Corinthians, Paul boasts about his weaknesses because that is where God is strong.

This really idea really rocked me to the core last year because I am someone who wants to get things done and do them to the best of my ability; and when things don’t go well I get frustrated and down on myself. 2nd Corinthians showed me that I don’t always have to be strong and its ok if I am weak, because those weaknesses are an opportunity for God to manifest himself in my life. In my weakness God can give me the strength, courage and power to perform the task that he has given to me.

I remember sitting in lecture and just feeling this weight being lifted off my shoulders and feeling free from not always having to be perfect. The book of 2nd Corinthians is one that I hold dear to my heart and I hope that you will take the time to read and let God comfort you in your weaknesses!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


This past week, we had the amazing opportunity to Dawn Masucci come and teach us all about the book of 1 Corinthians. She came and totally rocked our world with her teaching! I think that what hit the class so hard, was the fact that 1 Corinthians is so applicable to the church today. We are struggling and going through some of the same things today, that the Corinthians were going through more than 1900 years ago. Its interesting because the book could really be called “1 American.”

The thing that really grabbed my attention was how Dawn showed that the book really presents the question: “What is spirituality?” Spirituality is not measured by what gifts God has blessed you with, or how the Holy Spirit manifests his power in you, but instead it is how you live out everyday. The choices that you make everyday, the simple ones, the complex ones and everything in between, is really what reveals your level of “spirituality.”

I think that this truth is important for those you believe that Jesus is Lord because it shows that every decision and choice that you make reflects how you see and what you think about Jesus’ work on the cross. It has really motivated me to think about and be intentional with my actions and to take every choice seriously. I have been motivated because my actions are just as important as my words when I display the truth of who Jesus is and how he has changed my life.

I have really loved sitting in the 1 Corinthians lectures and I think that it is a book that can really speak to us, if we let it.