As I walked to go get my breakfast and coffee this morning,
my mind started wander and I just got to thinking about things that I have
learned or observed about my life over the past month or so and thus it became
the inspiration for this post.
I have really missed Texas Country music and I have been
more than happy to set Randy Rogers as my Pandora station.
Poopie diapers are not as bad as I thought they were ... September 19th, 2012 is a day that will go down in the record books
as the day I first changed a diaper with #2 in it thanks to Luke
Coffee without Splenda and flavored creamer doesn’t taste
good … I don’t care if it ends up destroying my insides … It’s the only way I
can drink it.
Fall may be my favorite season ... The weather
outside is amazing and the leaves will start to change in a couple of weeks!
I love skyping my sister and nephew ... It brightens up my day
to hear “DANGER!” said over the computer by an almost 2 year old.
My parents were right … I am supposed to be a teacher. I
really enjoy teaching. I wasn’t nervous while I taught, but while I stood up to
speak it felt like a really safe and peaceful place for me to be.
I have a messed up back ... I went to the chiropractor finally
and its never good when you lay on your stomach and when the dr looks at your back
and says “Oh this isn’t good.” So I get to make the trip to go see her a couple
of times a week for a while to try and fix me.
I don’t think I am going to grow out of my kid phase of life ... I have two large Styrofoam cut outs of Thor and Ironman in my room and I may
or may not give them high-fives or fist bumps when I walk by them.
I love going to the top of the climbing wall at camp to look
at God’s creation in order to remind myself how small I really am.
I never knew that a simple game of Ping Pong, or “Table
Tennis” for you more refined individuals, could brighten up my day ... Another staff
member and I are keeping a tally sheet of all the games we have played and as
of today through 5 weeks of games I am up 36-18. I am doing research to try to
find a tournament to play in somewhere in North Carolina.
My beard is weak but my mustache is strong.