Thursday, July 7, 2011

Texas Forever!

My favorite line from any movie or TV show has to come from the 1st episode from the TV series 'Friday Night Lights'. In the episode there is a scene where one of the main characters named Tim Riggins holds up a beer and toasts his best friend and the star of the football team and says "Texas Forever!" I felt like this was an appropriate statement because that is the current state of mind that I am in right now. On July 3rd I flew back from the “Motherland” aka Texas back up to the cooler and less humid state of North Carolina. However even though it does feel good to be back what I guess I can now call “home” (feeling good both physically – its about 10-20 degrees cooler here – and emotionally – vacation stresses me out at times and I don’t know why) I can honestly say that I miss Texas.

I had a great trip home. I got to spend a lot of quality time with my nephew Lukas which was awesome because at 8 months he is fun to interact with and everything to him is interesting. I had the pleasure of babysitting him a couple of times while my sister went out and ran some errands and I felt like we had some quality bonding time. We did some real man stuff like work on his tool bench, play on his laptop and watch MTV (just kidding about that last one Tori … it was actually Top Gun) I was also able to go to my brother and sister-in-law’s new house and see what they have been up to. It was good to catch up and visit with them. I had a blast to hang out with the family and just spend some quality time together.

I also had the pleasure of being a counselor for the Woodlands United Methodist Student Ministry and their summer camp. I had a great group of 8th grade going into 9th grade guys. I had worked at the church as an intern last summer and so I knew all of the guys in my group and that made the week really fun because there weren’t any new friendships starting, but it was just a continuation of our relationship. I was really impressed with our small group time and just how much those guys truly wanted to seek the Lord and their questions about him. I do miss being with the people from the church from the staff to the students. They have a great thing going on there and I love hearing about all of the exciting stuff that God is doing in their lives.

Finally to round out the trip I spent a couple of days down at my family’s beach house. This part of the trip was amazing because I got to hang out with my friends from high school that I haven’t gotten to see in a while. Also, two of my good friends from college came down and surprised me with their presence. I a really good time staying up late playing cornhole and just catching up with them.

Even though I am happy and definitely feel like God has put me here in NC for a reason, I do miss Texas and the relationships that remain there. I just want everyone back there to know that I miss them and that I will always be a Texan at heart no matter where my head lays at night!

Texas Forever!

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