Monday, September 26, 2011


So we have just spent the past week on the book of Acts and the thought that I have had continually running through my head is idea of community. The book of Acts gives us such a good picture of what Godly community is supposed to look like. In the chapters following Pentecost it gives us a great example of the disciples of Christ living like the Church is suppose to live. They are all willing to help one another in any way that they can, there are people selling off their possessions and giving it to the Church in order to provide for their fellow man. I talks about how they were in fellowship with one another and that they ate together and talked about Jesus and the Scriptures.

I feel like what we see in the church of Acts is similar to the type of community that we have hear and I am so thankful for it! I am thankful that I have been given the opportunity to live life and be in this community here. Its such a pleasure to be in a place where conversations about Jesus don’t have to be held in private, but that they are everywhere. This is something that I want to take with me, whenever I may leave, because I want Jesus to be talked about in my conversations. I want this because he is the most important person in the world and I want him to be made known. I also love how when someone is down here, everyone rallies around them in order to pick them up and comfort them. This is something that I can see the early church in Acts excelling at because of the love the book displays they had for one another.

The thing that I think I love the most about being here is the safe environment (spiritually) that we have. I love that I am really able to wrestle with the things that I am learning and really allow them to affect my life. I love the fact that I can talk with other staff members and “challenge” what they believe with what I believe and we can continue to have a dialogue as we both learn. This has been something that has really changed me over the past year and I am so thankful for it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First One Down

It has been a frantic and crazy past couple of weeks up here and I am just now starting to breathe normally again after I have been on what feels like a full sprint. The sprint included reading rather large books, sitting at my computer for hours at a time, a trip to Matthews and then once again reading rather large books and sitting at my computer.

The past couple of weeks I have been frantically studying the book of Luke in order to give my first Big-Boy lecture. I have realized that I really enjoy the studying aspect of being a teacher. I really “geeked out” on all of the little details within the book of Luke and just really enjoyed comparing what one person thinks to another and then trying to come up with my own conclusions. But I have also realized that I can only do this for so long!

So to get a little break from all the studying, I made a trip to Matthew, NC to stay with the BuCrew aka Uncle Tim, Aunt Mary, Hannah, Julia, Victoria and Josh. I had a blast and probably consumed about 3 gallons worth of kettle corn popcorn. I was given the privilege of being UT’s spotter for his PA announcing at one of the local high schools and I think that I might have a career as a spotter if I turn out not so good at this teaching thing. I love my time in Matthews because it is just always so relaxing … especially when its football season!

Whenever I got back from Matthews it was time to hit the books again and I started writing and preparing my lecture on Luke. I got a little frustrated because I had so many thoughts but I couldn’t figure out which ones should be in my lecture and which ones I should leave out. Luckily for me I have a great group of fellow staff members that helped me out!

So ya … yesterday I gave my lecture on the book of Luke and I think that it went pretty well. You can listen to it here if you want. (Luke Lecture) I really just hope that the students learned something! I think that the book of Luke is so great and it really has impacted me as I studied for it and it really has given me a new outlook on the way that I look at those around me. I’m not better than anyone and I can’t look at them like I am because we are all on the same level within God’s kingdom!